Friday, June 14, 2013

This is really happening...

This is really happening...

June 14th -- Signs of progress...I came home to find the biggest construction dumpster I've ever seen in my life (only sort of an exaggeration) parked in front of my house.  That thing looks so big that I bet my entire house and all of its contents could easily fit inside with room to spare.

Not only was there signs of progress in the front of the house, but another surprise awaited me as I pulled into the alley behind my house

Next step...the demolition crew and excavation should begin next week.

Then it will really get interesting.  The original mudroom on the back of the house, which also covers the stairs to the basement, will be demolished, along with its simple slab foundation that was built separate from the house.  The house sits on a brick foundation that is very scary in the sense that it looks like it could fall apart at any moment.  

The current stairs to the basement are part of the mudroom concrete foundation, so that will be demolished as well and will be replaced with a pier foundation that will tie the foundation for the two-story addition and new staircase to the current house without either structure pulling the other in directions they are not supposed to go (yeah, no kidding, I am so NOT a structural engineer).  

A support post will be installed in the basement.  The structural engineer said this is necessary so that the entire house and addition does not fall down.  House not falling down is a very good concept.

The basement is the home of my washer and dryer, provides miscellaneous storage and is the location of the furnace, hot water heater, and various other mechanical systems.  Once the excavation begins I will not have access to the basement for about 6 to 8 weeks.  

I just keep hearing the words of my contractor in my head.  During our first meeting when I was taking him through the initial tour of the house,  I showed him the basement and existing foundation.  He had me when he looked at me and said, "This house has good bones."  

Given that this is the last weekend that  I will have access to my basement, the odds are very good that just about everything that isn't packed up and in storage will enjoy a spin in the washer and dryer.  

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