Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Building Permit

The building permit was issued on Friday, June 7th and was taped to the front window on Monday, June 10th.  

This project is officially on!

The contractor gave me a hefty "to do" list with my shopping marching orders.  First up, plumbing valves and gas fireplaces.  

The irony of shopping for fireplaces on the hottest day of the year so far (98 degrees) was not lost on me.  Totally chill.

And now an occasional installment of:

Lessons learned......

1.  Assemble a team that communicates well:  Choose your architect and contractor wisely; you are assembling a team so make sure that all members of the team communicate well.  While I am sure I will call my contractor and architect different names throughout this process (some that will need to be censored for this blog), they are in my mind The Dream Team.  They have known each other over 15 years and have worked together on a variety of projects, especially old houses.  An architect who is familiar with the builder will often design with the builder's strengths in mind. 

2.  Identify your taste and style with images:  For years I have had a habit of clipping images from magazines and brochures of different things I thought I would like for my house.   I would put these pages into a manila file folder on the bookshelf labeled "house project."  As this project came closer to reality, I found the contractor and architect would frequently ask me what I liked.  I remembered my file folder and could show them exactly what appealed to me, which helped the design process immensely.   Interestingly enough, the saved clippings of bookcases, kitchen layouts, entry ways,and various living spaces had not changed much over the years as many of the images were very similar.  I learned that while I had no idea what to call my style, it was very consistent.

(scroll down to view previous blog posts....)

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